Monday, June 10, 2013

What a "day 1"

What a “day 1”

First 86 miles

This day has had it’s ups and downs so far. Silly Me started the day off with forgetting his phone in the car and trying to convince me we had enough time to ride the shuttle back to the car and get it and still make the flight. Not a chance we had 30 minutes till lift off as much as I wanted to for him there was not enough time to make it back. So through security we went,  got to the gate and only waited 5 minutes before we started to board. After we safely made the plane the jokes about not having a phone have not stopped.  

You guys don't look so crazy to me

The flights for globaltreckers went super smooth with no big events.  While our flight was filled with phone jokes and just plain silliness. We also had the joy of sitting behind a family with a super cute baby that started playing with Grizz and then me.  I loved getting to play with that cute little guy since my wife and kids are gone and wont be back for another eighteen days.  We also got to talk to his mom about caching. Sure makes a guy miss his family.

It's no F350 but it will do

Once we all gathered at Budget in Dallas we had to wait a few minutes while they found the Prius. They tried to offer us up a few other cars but none would come close to the MPG so we would wait.  While some of the cars were way cooler all we wanted was MPG. When you are driving 3000 miles in three “days” you don’t care what it is or what it looks like all that matters is MPG. 

Combat driving skills are a must when driving in the south for sure. We have never seen this combat driving taken to this high of a level before. We all have driven Seattle, Portland, California and mountain roads with slow moving campers but this takes the cake. If you leave even half a car length they are slicing in with no blinker so be aware.  Speed limit signs are a joke to everyone except the small town cops who sit on the freeway and generate revenue. Globaltreckers had the cruise set for 80 in a 75 zone and we were getting passed like we were standing still. Officer James Burnette ID# 107 of the Lindale Police department   903-882-6150 claims he saw us going 86 in a 75 zone and has it on radar.   

While I don’t know what he was doing or looking at on the internet while he was sitting on the side of the highway he could not observed our car going that fast because we were behind a semi truck and slowly passing him. While Officer Burnette was writing us the ticket I pulled up my gps tracklog to verify the speed we were traveling and make sure the car was not incorrect. When Globaltreckers  got out and told Officer Burnette we had this information and it was not us he clocked he stated that he checked the radar twice and Globaltreckers would have to come back to Texas to fight it in court. WHAT THE HELL? 

So basically what we learned is that a small town in Texas if they want to increase revenue all they have to do is surf the web, wait until your radar beeps,  pick the first car you see, pull them over and hope they are from a good distance away and then write them a ticket. It is totally wrong but it would cost Globaltreckers more to fly back to Texas and fight it than just pay the ticket. And that is what they are hoping he does and there is nothing he can do.  We have had a our fair share of experiences with local law enforcement on our caching trips. All but this one has been pleasant.  But on the bright side we had something to make fun of Globaltreckers  about. 

This was only the first 11 hours of “day 1” and 86 miles of driving and no caches yet.

Random cache pic of the day  

GC2JNTY A Mountain View  Virginia

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