Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Route

The Route

The Route for the Insane Train part Duex is getting close to done-ish.  While this route will always be fluid for the trip depending on what is thrown at us during our trip, but this gives a good guide for where and what we want to do.

Click on map to see full size

So here is the Streets and Trips map of our route. This route includes 13 states and 7 caches the are the first caches placed in each state. So over three and a half days we will be traveling 2,800 miles for an estimated drive time of forty three and a half hours. Should be no problem since we only have one all nighter scheduled. A walk in the park for these four crazy guys.

In order to get the route made first we had to decide on some goals for our trip. The guys really don't care all that much what we do they trust my judgment to make it crazy enough and I hope I don't disappoint.

So the goals of the trip are  #1 get as many states as we can, #2 get as many first caches in each state, #3 finish the Jasmer Challenge for me and help the guys get closer to finishing but the most important goal for the whole trip is to NOT GET ARRESTED!!

Stay tuned for more Insane Fun.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's Official

So it is official three of the four boys riding the insane train this year have purchased their tickets. So the next step is trying to lock down the exact route and old/cool caches we can get.

So when is it?  June 6th- 10th 2013

$311.40 each for our airfare. When we go on these trips we try and keep the costs down, our goal is $500-$600 for the whole trip with food, car, hotel and anything else we need.
So stay tuned for updates on the planning of the Insane Train Part Duex: Rise of the Tweens

We had to add a day to keep airfare prices down........