Thursday, May 31, 2012

Everytrail Trip Created

Everytrail Trip Created

I have created an trip for the INSANE Train run. It is missing about 400 miles from the beginning and end of the trip that we were not caching. Check it out at

Day 4: Expect the unexpected

Day 4: Expect the unexpected

The day after the power trail took a bit to get going for some of us we were starting to feel a bit sluggish.  Hurshh needed a few more caches so we could double his find count and push him to 2,000 caches, so off we went to another trail of caches. This first group of caches were in the Mojave desert just outside of Searchlight, NV.  This trail was down a long dirt road to nowhere with caches on both sides but we only got the ones down the middle since it was getting hot and we had a seven hour drive today to get to our hotel.

So with the minor trail done and it was getting late we decided to stop in Vegas for some grub before half of our train headed for Oregon while we headed back to SE Washington.  While in Vegas last time Grizz Rider had eaten at the Heart Attack Grill and said the burgers were to DIE for so with a quick straw poll it was decided, big fat greasy burgers it was.  At Heart Attack Grill there is nothing healthy on the menu but it all was excellent tasting.  This was a sad moment for me because Globaltreckers  were breaking off from us and we only had two days with them.

Gas and go we had a long drive and it would be 1am before we got to our hotel in Wells, NV.  So a quick stop at a gas station in NE Vegas provided a surprise. DR D a fellow cacher from the quad cities that was moving to Arizona this weekend. He stopped for gas at the same station at the same time as we did.  WOW that is unexpected. It was great to see the Doc one last time before he was gone.

ET 001 we had to stop for that cache since hurshh was the only one who had not found it. So he can say he did Route 66 and ET highway in one weekend ;) On the way to ET 001 I joked about we should just do another all nighter since we would be getting in so late and was feeling good and not too tired. So while we were at the ET sign Hunter made a call and we were free from the hotel reservations in Wells. So another all nighter it was. Time for the riders to settle in for the night while I braved the dark Nevada night.

As the sun was rising on us we were approaching Twin Falls ID and the Balanced Rock Series, we noticed that globaltreckers had not stopped either and had cached all night long on the way to Oregon. Quick call to John to make sure he was awake and enjoying himself. The INSANE Train was living up to its name and having a blast doing it.

As the Balanced Rock trail approached it was time for the crew to wake up and start getting ready for the assault on the last few caches we needed on the trip before we all died from lack of rest. These caches while close to the road were taking us forever to get because we all were very very tired and had lost the spring in our step. Yes even hurshh the young pup just wanted to get home! So only after 40 caches it was determined that hurshh had enough caches for 2000 and they all wanted to get home.
So you would think that that was the end of the excitement, nope not even close.  The roads were we were routed on were very bad and super sandy in spots so a little rally driving was needed to get us back to gravel. At time the Train was doing 60 MPH just to keep the momentum up to fly across the sandy spots. Man it was fun and helped bring a little life back into the INSANE Train. With the sand behind us and on a rocky road it looked like smooth sailing from here on out…..  With a stop for one last cache on top of a rocky butte the INSANE Train got one last scare/rush. SNAKE! On the climb to the top I almost got bit by a Rattle Snake and hurshh was surrounded by them.  I was able to use a rock to free us from the trap set by them and get my kids a rattle also. Yes we did get the cache but man that was a little to close for comfort. If I had not spotted the snake before I took one more step forward I would have been bitten. He never rattled at me until I hit him with a rock. After that every direction we tried to move there was a rattle.  At least we got a skin and a rattle out of the deal, I would loved to have saved the meat and tried it since I have heard it is good to eat and that snake would not have been wasted.

Now we are all super tired and still have seven hours home with a stop in Boise to pick up my family and have one more meal before the trip is over. A little BBQ in Boise and time for a nap while I ride with my wife home.  It is sad that the run is over but we all need to sleep!   We have  so many memories from this trip we could never put it all down for you to read, but over the next few weeks I’ll add a few things here and there about this trip while I post about things to come. And yes there are a few things in the works but like I said last year after the ET highway power trail NO MORE POWER TRAILS!! ;) 

Totals on the trip? That information is still being compiled. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Route 66 Power Run day

Day 3 The Power Trail

Well today was the day for the route 66 Power Trail. On our trip so far I have had 10 hours sleep starting this day but with the energy hurshh had we would not be stopped.  The day started late with us leaving the Hotel about 7:15 so we didn't start caching until 8am. We cached non-stop for 12 1/2 hours to find 867 caches today. With hurshh doing most of the running with a few breaks from others and a crew stamping them and keeping him full of logs. While this has not been the highlight of the trip it is still something to say we have done with pride. 

We used two vehicles to move six people down the road. Stamping was done in my car and handed to the Prius to be delivered. 

This was all done over and over and over again untill there was no more light left in the sky, and then we did it over again. 

While the caches were all the same today there was a few bright spots we did find.

What a day glad to be heading in the direction of home, but I have no clue what the next two days will bring. Hopefully a few more hours of sleep.  

Just a normal day

Just a normal day today for the INSANE Train we only drove 440 miles and grabbed 24 caches.  That brings the total miles to about 1800 miles and 36 caches.  Not a power caching trip so far but a power run.

Today started out getting some real cool caches in Winslow AZ and taking a trip back in time to before I was born. It is great to see the history right before your eyes that you have seen on the TV and heard stories of.

From there we headed west stopping at some caches that were close to the highway but mostly ones we thought would be cool. Like this Old Bridge GC1CGFQ  what a fun off road excursion in the Contour to a bridge that was built in 1913!!! This cache would set the tone for the rest of the day. Fun caches and great scenery.

We then stopped in Williams AZ for some caches and was pleased with the feel of the town. A total Route 66 type of town. I can see myself coming back to this town to spend some time and ride the train to the Grand Canyon.

After that we got started to put the petal to the metal so we could get to Barstow and cache since it has a few power trails near it!  NOPE Another side trip for a few caches turned into a few hour stay with tons  of fun and a few souvenirs  purchased for the families. Seligman the town that Radiator Spring got some of it’s inspiration from was the highlight of the day for me. It was fun from start to finish. This town is kind of a tourist trap for car buffs and Route 66 lovers so I was in heaven. You really have to go to appreciate it.

So we would not get to Barstow early so why not go see the London Bridge. So one more detour was added to the trip but was well worth the time. The bridge was AWESOME and I was able to go off road with the car one more time today.  Sunset was great and dinner at Panda finished the day off great. We spent a lot of time at and on the bridge so it was getting dark by the time we left for Barstow.
We were halfway to Barstow from Lake Havasu when a cop pulled out behind us. Man I thought not again I wasn’t speeding and I had fix the license plate lights so I was sure he was not going to stop me. But I wasn’t prepared for him to pass me going over 100mph. So nothing broke and no cops today it was a good day. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

adding lake havasu and london bridge to our trip today

Friday, May 25, 2012

Just the beginning

Just the beginning

Oil everywhere, detour, friendly law enforcement officer and crazy hotel guy that kicked me out!

Well our trip started late because one of the riders showed up after six so a little behind but no big deal. Had a few things to do before we could leave town so off to get the last rider and the car washed before we left. When we got to the car wash it was closed and the car was smoking like it was on fire! So upon further inspection I noticed that when I changed the oil I forgot to put the oil cap back on so it blew motor oil all over the engine.

Next we changed the plans 8 hours before we left and decided to go to Potters Pond GC3B instead of Wyoming which would save us miles and cost us time. This was the best thing of the day so far. What an awesome place! We would love to come back with the quads some day. Also was able to get a new cache at over 9600 feet above see level!

Then it was off to the races! We were five hours behind and no way to make it up so blasting down the road we went. With only a few stops for gas we would stay only five hours behind until Hursh want to go to four corners to stand if four states at once. NO WAY WE ARE SOOOO LATE! But since it was on his bucket list we wasted another hour and twenty minutes so he can say that he has done it, but we did not get any caches.  So now we would not get into Winslow until 8pm if we did not stop to eat.  So 9pm it is with full tummies.

So now it is ten to 9 and we are three miles from our exit and along comes a nice police officer who stopped me because my license plate light was out. This was kind of an ordeal since the day I left I looked at the insurance card in my wallet and it was expired so all I could do was log into my account and save a pdf file of temporary cards on my phone with the date that I downloaded it and the valid dates for my policy. So while I was showing him all that info he asked me if I was burning oil…..well kind of and I had to tell the story of my stupidity to him. Then since I just got my new plates for the truck and the car when I put them on the vehicles I left the paperwork on my desk at home. Don’t worry it is probably safe and sound with the twelve volt splitter I forgot also. So I had to take a walk back to the cop car with him so I could give him all the info he need to bring up the fact that I was QUADS and that this was my car and I was not sad enough to steal someone’s 96 Ford Contour (don’t get me wrong I love the car but really I would steal something way better). After a few minutes he gave me some paperwork for the license plate lights and I will fix them on day two before we head for Barstow.

Then comes the fun of the night, a small little man who has nothing better to do than try and ruin someone’s night.  We arrived at the motel that I had book and was suppose have been charged in full at time of booking. So when he tried to charge my card again I asked about my reservation and told him they took my credit card info and was suppose to charge my card since the reservation price was nonrefundable and needed advance purchase.  Then he started to yell at me saying that I was calling him a liar and a thief. WHAT?! No I wasn’t there was a misunderstanding  and I just wanted to know what was up? So he kicked us out of his motel???? That’s fine we got a room it was more money and no breakfast but its all good. So if you are going to stand on the corner in Winslow Arizona do not ever stay at Americas best value inn!!!!!

Long day so good night.

28 Hours straight in the car it was well worth it. INSANE yes stupid NO!

but I would love to go back to spend 2 weeks riding the quads we are five hours behind posted route but will make that up with lack of sleep
finish the potters pond 1 of the most beautiful areas I've ever been to the united states was well worth the trip over at it why because the height of the road

Thursday, May 24, 2012

new meadows idaho an hour behind schedule oil spilled all over the motor smokin funny stories and a sweeper and a complainer that it needs first

Clear the Tracks

Tracks have been cleared

The tracks have been cleared to GC3B Potters Pond in Utah so the INSANE Train will be making a course correction that will trade Wyoming for a cache placed in August of 2000

This decision was made 8 hours from departure but like I said before all things are fluid on this trip :) 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Train Schedule 

INSANE Train 2012 
Memorial day weekendish schedule

  • Depart Uniontown, WA  6:00 pm Thursday May 24th  with stops in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona
  • Arrive for the night in Winslow, AZ approx 6:00 pm Friday May 25th 
  • Depart Winslow, AZ 8:00 am Saturday May 26th with stops along the historic route 66 in Arizona and California
  • Arrive for the night inBarstow, CA Approx 8:00 pm Saturday May 26th
  • Depart Barstow, CA 5:00 am Sunday May 27th with stops along the route 66 power trail
  • Arrive Needles, CA Approx 9:00 pm Sunday May 27th
  • Depart Needles, CA 8:00 am Monday May 28th 
  • Arrive Wells, NV Approx 8:00 pm Monday May 28th
  • Depart Wells, NV 8:00 am Tuesday May 29th
  • Arrive Uniontown, WA 6:00 pm Tuesday May 29th

To see the PDF of the route click here

Don't forget to follow along.
Excess Baggage

The last two weeks have been very busy getting everything ready for the trip and life does not stop just because you are planning on going on an INSANE trip. While I have not got our profiles up for all to see who is truly Insane we should have enough windshield time to get something going for you. 

I did find another way for you to ride along with us as excess baggage. You can follow us from this blog post on Google Latitude. During our trip the live tracker map will be enabled so all can see our progress along the way. I have limited coverage on our trip but when we are on major routes it should update. 

So now you can follow us on Latitude, NeonGeo, and twitter.

To follow on NeonGeo you must enable friend follow and look for Grizz Rider, Quadsinthemudd and Globaltreckers.

To follow us on Twitter use link to follow

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Virtual Passengers

How can you become a virtual passenger on the INSANE Train? 

We have a few ways you can follow us. The first is globaltreckers is in charge of the twitter feed that we have just started.!/InsaneeTrain  also we use a android app called NeonGeo with friend follow so you can see real time on the map where we are. The Train will be in two pieces until we join up in Barstow on Saturday night. Just lookout for quadsinthemudd, grizz rider or globaltreckers on Neongeo to see our progress. Or for slow outdated info just keep watching our Facebooks and Google+ accounts. 

So jump on board the INSANE Train and take the trip with us!

The Crew The Stamp The excitement

With only 16 days until we depart the station the crew of the INSANE Train is getting real excited!  We are all in the final preparations for our journey with only a few loose ends to sew up.

So the crew is set:

Fairyhoney Port Orchard, WA
Globaltreckers Madras, OR
Grizz Rider Clarkston, WA
Hurshh Moscow, ID
Quadsinthemudd Uniontown, WA

We are coming from all over the Northwest to meet up and do some INSANE caching over the Memorial Day weekend-ish.  We are a group of cachers that before Geocaching we did not know each other.  But now we can all come together in one big fat INSANE trip to enjoy each others company.  This is really what the power trails are all about for me an adventure with good people. I don’t think I would do them alone and I know for sure I would not have done more than one.  So this week I am going to highlight the crew members of the INSANE Train so you can get to know us a little better.

And as with any power caching trip I have designed a stamp to use on the logs, to save time and make a letterbox cache when I get home.  We will also have shirts with our logo on it so all will know that we are certifiably INSANE!!! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Route

First I start off with Microsoft Streets & Trips to see how far the drive will be and what is going to be close. Then I set the fuel prices and MPG of the vehicle we are going to take so I know how much it will cost to take the whole trip but also how much it adds like if you want a side trip to add Wyoming. It gives me how much extra time as well as how much extra money that one cache/state will add to the trip to see if it worth it. 

Then once I have the route close to set I add start to look it over on the live map in or on Neongeo on my phone if I am not close to the computer so I can see how many caches are close and if there are any that I can't/shouldn't live without. That is how I found the HistoricAZ66 caches in Arizona. Also I add the top 40 caches by favorite points for each state so if we are close to a super cool cache we will not miss out. 

So now we can see on the map some points of OUR interest without all the clutter. On S&T I can add departure times or arrival times to each stop so I know how long it will take to get to my next destination. With that information we know how many caches we have time to get without being late.  We still will be late but at least we know we will :)

So without caches and potty breaks it will take us about 6 hours to go from Winslow AZ to Barstow CA. Along the rout we can use the times for any given direction to know how long it will take to get to our destination for the day. So lets say we cross into Cali at 5pm we can figure on getting in to Barstow at 7pm. I can also add caches to the route and give them an amount of time that we think it will take to find it. 

So you can now see that by adding five caches burned up almost an hour on the clock and that is with only six minutes at each cache. That six minutes is from the time the car stops rolling to the time it starts rolling again. So you can see how time is very precious on these trips so better make it count when you stop. No light pole caches for us (unless it is at the parking lot of any place we stop).

I still have to go through the route and look at all the caches (within .5 miles of the route) to see if there is one we just have to get. this is a little time consuming but worth it if you ask me. I hate this part because I it shows me how little time we have and how many cool caches I want to get. 

So as the trip planner the most important thing to plan for is the unexpected. It is like a budget, not set in stone because anything can happen at anytime, so all you can do is look at the plan and manage the time as best you can. So Steve this means no Mountain Dew on the trip! LIMITED POTTY BREAKS!!!!

I hope this helps anyone out there planning a Geotrip from a small one to an INSANE one.